11 months ago

What do you wish someone had told you before meds

About to start my meds journey, I was diagnosed at 16 and am now 26. They told me it might get better, it got worse. It has been an interesting journey of trying to work with and against my adhd but I’ve come to a head with it. Ready to try medication but me oh my am I nervous. Anyone have any tips or ‘wish i’d known’ pieces of wisdom for me? A perspective of someone navigating this through the nhs would be great too

Midwest Lady

I tried Concerta, but I did like it. I started taking Adderall about 12 years ago. It definitely helps me but it isn’t a miracle cure. I still struggle every day to get motivated, focus and finish projects. This past year, there’s been a Adderall shortage. More than once I couldn’t get my prescription refilled for 2 or 3 weeks. I didn’t have any withdrawal issues but I also had NO motivation to do mundane household chores like wash the dishes or vacuum. My daily struggles increased and I didn’t seem to get anything done, leading to the negative self talk we ADHDers frequently have. I always struggle with sleep but without ADHD medication my sleep quality at night decreased significantly. All of this reminded me that there isn’t a magic pill or cure for ADHD, but with medicine I can cope with my ADHD symptoms in a healthier & better way than doing without it. Hope this helps.


Took strattera, was def feeling weird about getting on meds, because I wanted to believe I could just will myself better. But sometimes we need help, if you go the med route take it slow, try to log the side effects so you can relay to your provider. Some go away so don't give up right at the start commit to it unless it becomes to dangerous. And lastly make sure you aren't over reliant on the meds, you also need to make some changes as well in your life, look up stuff like how to journal, prioritize, multitask, ADHD help tips and use them so you can learn new skills. You got this

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