Clinical study for ADHDers. Gamify and manage your ADHD.
Join a clinical trial on ADHD app Numo, led by Ph.D. in Neuropsychology
How it works
Apply and get Numo app subscription for free
Use Numo for 8 weeks, do simple daily activities
Experience relief from your ADHD symptoms
Receive $50 Amazon gift card
Tell me more
Julia, CEO, Numo ADHD
Numo combines Ai productivity tools with the active community, accountability groups, fun learning, and gamification
Olga, Neuropsychology Ph.D.
We want to study the effects of Numo with our first clinical trial
What's Numo ADHD?
Numo is an app that helps adults with ADHD improve their productivity and mood daily. It is based on different science-based tools such as CBT exercises, ADHD coaching techniques, white/brown/pink noises, accountability groups, etc. Our unique method helps users get things done, find human support, and be more satisfied with their lives.
What does participation involve?
Daily activities that aim to improve productivity and well-being for 8 weeks (~5 to 15 minutes/day)Three short surveys, including questions about your ADHD and mental health (5-10 minutes/survey)
How long will I be involved?
8 weeks
When does the study start?
The trial starts in September 2023, and enrolment is done on a rolling basis
If you are selected, we will reach out with details and next steps
If you are selected, we will reach out with details and next steps
When do I need to sign up?
To join, you must sign up here. Spots are extremely limited.