giniver avatar
23 days ago

Burnout: brain doesn’t stop thinking about work

Hi everyone. I’m new here, my therapist told me about this app. I have tons of questions, got my diagnosis just a few months ago. Currently I have burnout. I’m working in theatre and I really do love my job, it’s creative and fun most of the time. But that’s kinda the problem. Because of that I work way too much and forget time and everything. My brain never stops thinking of work even if I’m home. First and last thought in bed are about work. I dream also a lot about work. Often when I wake up in the morning it feels as if I already worked hours in my dreams. Besides all that my job is really stressful and there’s too much to do. So now I’m at home for some weeks because of burnout. Thinking a lot of what went wrong and what let to the burnout. And I think one huge thing is that my brain can’t rest. Always thinking about work and what to do next and how to do all the stuff really gets me exhausting. Feels like all I’m doing is working and sleeping. So, my question is, anyone here dealing with the same shit? And does anyone have some tips how to not think about work in your freetime and how to really rest and relax? Also, I get really attached to my work and everything that happens there. Especially when colleagues complain or acting rude. Some tips for not letting that go too close? Really sorry for the long text. Hope some of you are able to read it and help. Really looking forward to your answers! Any suggestions will be appreciated a lot! Feel hugged if you want to :)

Bigmumma1 avatar

I find I am having this issue and have done for years. however the only thing that helps me is planning stuff on days off or at the end of the day. I keep reminding mysel when I’m at work of what I have planned & I look forward to it.

MadCat avatar

Hey! Try my best to write in english, so sorry for every mistake... 😅 I had to stop working for the last two years. Caused by depression, burnout, bulemia and at least ADHD - which was the last diagnosis - after 41 years. 🥴 I work as a teacher and it is still difficult for me to interact with all these different kinds of people. So when I got the diagnose... I immediately told this to most of my collegues as well as most of my students (all adults). All are very kind and the are very engaged to help me when I get overwhelmed, or when I forget things. So for me - it was the right thing to do. On the other hand I reduced my worktime to 50 % and start to work at a animal shelter. I love to interact with animals, love to feel their warm and fluffy fur, love the soothing sound of the chickens.... And I can do physical work. This calms me down. And it helps me to rest. When I come home from such a working day, it is easier for me to lay down, watch TV, read a book or just staring into the air. 😶‍🌫️ Also alternative options are: my own animals, baking theme cakes, do Capoeira (last one is sometimes difficult cause there are sometime people which I do not know very well - so I start to get social anxiety... But I try to take this as a challange. 🫥). At least... medication is also very helpful (for me). Antidrepressants as well as ADHD-medication...

goodgrooves avatar

I feel you! Work is also always on my mind and I might have a bit of burnout too. (Self employed here) My husband and pets, and other family members and friends do get me distracted and remind me that there are other things in life too. 😅 so that's the best reminder for me to have some though shift. About the colleagues... It's very hard for me not to take things personally but I do remind myself that often others mirror themselves in me and the unhappiness is more about them and less about me. It helps to distance myself from that. Also to remind myself I am a separate person, those are NOT my emotions. They can be emotional but that does not have to affect me. I also am privileged to have my own emotions and state of mind, I don't have to tolerate other's all the time (healthy boundaries). For relaxing I can suggest long walks, especially in nature, warm bath or sauna, binge watch some of your favorite movies or shows, do something crafty, read books that you haven't had the time to read, or meditate if you like to do that (for me the guided meditations worked best in the beginning). Excellent way to relax is to have an exercise but I know that might take a bit of willpower. 😄 It the accomplishment and relaxing feeling afterwards that is sooo good. Take care! 🫶🤗

Camilita avatar

Please! Remind me to answer you on this one tomorrow 😉🙏 I am currently on sick-leave and on strong medication so I should get some sleep as priority before hyper focusing on this 💛

dima avatar

Stay strong, Camilita🫰🏼

rainbowtoady avatar

Hi, first I’m sorry your work is so stressful that sounds really exhausting so hugs. So I used to have this quite bad (I work in animation) and it was kind of all consuming, the thing that I find really helpful is having other hobbies or things to do that aren’t work that my brain gets excited about. The whole idea that you need to be still and rest is a very neuro typical paradigm. The thing that really helps me connect back to my body and enter a meditative state is swimming, for my Nan is was walking, for my partner it’s chill video games. Also it’s ok to think about work a lot but maybe pick up a regular journaling practice when you can ‘vent’ about work and then at the end of the journalling timer you are going to go all in with x activity. Sewing/embroidery while listening to my friend twitch stream is also very restful for me, just have to find what works for you. Xx I hope it gets better soon

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