Joelay avatar
13 days ago

How to manage your task list?

Hi, how do you arrange and manage your tasks? What do you do when you're not able to complete tasks for weeks/months? Do you keep the task on the list to remind yourself of it or do you delete it to avoid feeling bad? Because I just kept adding more and more tasks until I couldn't even do all the basics and I stopped creating new tasks and was completely overwhelmed and the last few months were very bad, I only ticked off the basics and promptly closed the app again but I want to start really using it again because it DOES help me and I want to work on myself in a way I can control a bit better^^'

martinipug avatar

I will schedule tasks or put them in the backlog. If it’s a task where it’s huge and will take weeks/months but I can do a bit a few times a week I’ll set it as a routine. No need to stress if you can’t do it as often as you hoped, just skip it, I see it more of a reminder of something I COULD do.

frazzledbunny avatar

I find it super helpful to time block - I have a document from college that one of my friends got from the disability center to help manage school work and I use it to time block tasks for both work and school. I look at the week and block off nights I’m busy (appts, other commitments, etc) then I prioritize the tasks I do regularly (laundry is every other week and cleaning the bathrooms is every other week) and if I have any other open days I start blocking off other things. I use the backlog for tasks to complete when I find myself with extra open nights/time. Usually every night, unless it’s a night I get home late or have other things going on, I plan to do my task from 7-8pm and I try to break down tasks so they don’t take more than an hour. This usually means cleaning the bathroom and laundry takes a few days but I can plan for it and make sure I don’t overload my weekends with chores. Being able to visualize my time and see that chores are a small part of my day also helps with motivation. Meds have helped this process immensely as well - I’m better able to see what time I have, prioritize the things I need to do, and if I don’t have time for “extra” tasks, it’s okay. When I have a free weekend (like today) I plan an hour or 2 to tackle some of the other tasks. I found the image feature so I took a screenshot of my document, it goes through 10pm and I use highlighters to block off my time. For work I use a black marker to mark the times I have meetings so I can better visualize the time I actually have to work

rainbowtoady avatar

I just randomally go through numo periodically and use the backlog/delete tool to purge a bunch of tasks

spacedust avatar

I have done what you described many times, I will try differently this time, using the backlog, adding things slowly, and always choosing rewards for or harder tasks. I will pledge myself to do that

spacedust avatar

I have started using the app, but I had the problem with every type of list app notebook

Maria✨ avatar

as for me, I have SO MUCH tasks I delay for months if not for years, but if it’s something important eventually I force myself to accomplish them (mostly because I’m terrified of deadlines lmao), and it feels so good to be free even though sometimes it feels unbearable to start doing them

dima avatar

love it!

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