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Codice ICD 10 ADHD: Cos'è e perché dovrebbe interessarvi?

Julia Ovcharenko, CEO di Numo
22 maggio 2024

What if I told you that… I heard there was a special code

That David played, and it pleased the Lord,

But you don’t really care for music, do ya?

Oops. Sorry, wrong quote. But wait! There IS a special code, though, and it can make your life with ADHD easier; care to learn about it? Grand! Listen up 😉

So, there’s this system, right? The one that healthcare providers and insurance companies use to categorize medical conditions and procedures, making sure you get the best care possible. And in this system, every sickness/condition has its special code. 

It’s like a delivery parcel tracking number, except it’s not your new supplies for the hundredth new hobby you’re going to abandon after a few days that it’s tracking; instead, it’s a secret code that helps doctors and researchers keep tabs on stuff. Never heard of such a thing? If so, let me unravel the mystery! Its name is ICD-10, which stands for the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems. So, if you or someone you know has ADHD, invite them to come with us as we take a long dive into the world of ADHD, and explore the nitty-gritty of the diagnosis, as well as the ICD-10 number.

Prima di passare ai dettagli, ecco una breve panoramica di ciò che ci si deve aspettare in questo articolo:

  • 5 ICD-10 Codes for ADHD (all types)
  • 4 Tips to Remember that ICD-10 Code for ADHD
  • Perché è necessario ottenere un codice ADHD
  • Come funzionano i codici ICD
  • Come i codici ICD semplificano la vostra vita
  • Cosa dovrebbe avere chi ha a che fare con l'ADHD
  • Suggerimenti pratici per aiutarvi nel vostro percorso con l'ADHD

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Medicine and ICD-10 Codes

Insurance companies use the ICD-10 code to determine whether or not to pay for a medical procedure, and, however infuriating this might sound, they may not pay for ADHD therapy if the disorder is incorrectly classified. Sadly, patients who need ADHD treatment but lack sufficient health insurance may struggle with the funds necessary to get their medication.

So honey, if you DO have insurance, you’d better get that code rights and squeeze the money out of ‘em! Yes, I know, nobody wants to deal with insurance companies, and paperwork gets under the skin of even neurotypical people, let alone ADHDers. However, keeping accurate records can make getting those medical expenses reimbursed a lot easier. An ICD-10 code for ADHD is required for use by insurance companies in invoicing patients. So, you can treat this article as your cue to get organized and show those insurance companies you know your stuff😎🔥🔥! 

5 ADHD ICD 10 Codes (All Types)

Each medical diagnosis has its own unique ICD-10 number! It is like a secret code (hehe, remember that song from the beginning? It’s still playing in your head, isn’t it?😁) for your health. So, how do you determine your code as an ADHD person?

Harambe may be gone, but, luckily for you, WE are not going anywhere!  😈😈😈

So, according to the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, all ADHD subtypes fall under the umbrella of behavioral and emotional disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood and adolescence (F90-F98), which, in turn, is part of an even larger group called Mental, Behavioral and Neurodevelopmental disorders (F01-F99).

All ADHD ICD-10 codes start with F90; however, according to ICD10Data.com, which is a free reference website designed for the lookup of all current American ICD-10-CM (diagnosis) and ICD-10-PCS (procedure) medical billing codes, F90 alone should NOT be used for reimbursement purposes as multiple codes under its umbrella contain a greater level of detail.

So, let’s find yours, shall we?

It’s also important to note that this is the American ICD-10-CM version of F90, and other international versions of ICD-10 F90 may differ. So, to be sure, double-check the information with your country’s respective resources 😊

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F90.0: ADHD Inattentive Type ICD-10

The code F90.0 stands for Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, predominantly inattentive type. It’s a billable/specific ICD-10 code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis for reimbursement purposes (so go hit that insurance company right up!) The symptoms of inattentive ADHD may include difficulty sustaining attention, forgetfulness, etc.

The approximate synonyms that doctors may use to describe it are:

  • ADHD, inattentive
  • ADHD, predominantly inattentive presentation
  • Attention deficit disorder
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, predominantly inattentive type

So if you’ve seen any of these in your official diagnosis papers, that’s your code right there, baby!

F90.1: ADHD Hyperactive Type ICD-10

You guessed it: in the ICD-10 system, the code F90.1 is used for Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, predominantly hyperactive type. Just like the previous one, it’s a billable/specific ICD-10 code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis for reimbursement purposes (yay!) 😋

The symptoms of hyperactive ADHD may include excessive fidgeting or impulsive and impatient behavior.

Its approximate synonyms are:

  • ADHD, hyperactive-impulsive
  • ADHD, predominantly hyperactive-impulsive presentation
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, predominantly hyperactive-impulsive type

F90.2: ADHD Combined Type ICD-10

The code F90.2 stands for Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, combined type. It’s a billable/specific ICD-10 code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis for reimbursement purposes.

A combined subtype of ADHD is when a person is displaying both inattentive and hyperactive-impulsive symptoms.

Some of the other words you can see it described with are:

  • ADHD, combined
  • ADHD, combined presentation
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder combined
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, combined type

F90.8: ADHD ICD-10 Other type

Now on to F90.8, Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, Other type. Just like the previous codes, F90.8 is a billable/specific ICD-10 code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis for reimbursement purposes.

Now, what does “other type” ADHD mean? In diagnostic terms, it indicates a form of ADHD that cannot be described by the traditionally defined categories (like the predominantly inattentive type, predominantly hyperactive-impulsive type, and combined type that we’ve all covered above).

Its approximate synonyms are:

  • ADHD, adult residual
  • Adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder adult effect
  • Residual adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

F90.9: ADHD Unspecified ICD-10

Last but not least, we’re covering F90.9, Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, unspecified type. F90.9 is a billable/specific ICD-10-CM code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis for reimbursement purposes. 

You may be wondering what an ‘unspecified’ diagnosis means; it is one without a clear specification of predominant symptoms. 

Here are some of its approximate synonyms:

  • ADHD
  • Articulation disorder due to hyperkinesis
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
  • Conduct disorder, hyperkinetic
  • Developmental articulation disorder due to hyperkinesis
  • Developmental speech disorder due to hyperkinesis
  • Hyperkinetic conduct disorder
  • Long-term current use of medication for ADD and/or ADHD
  • Long-term current use of medication for attention deficit disorder (ADD) or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

4 Tips for Remembering ICD-10 Code for ADHD

Ricordare codici medici specifici, come il codice ICD-10 per l'ADHD, può essere difficile. Ecco cinque tecniche mnemoniche che possono aiutare:

  • Use Visual Imagery: 

You could create a mental image to remember 'F90' and associate it with ADHD. For instance, imagine a classroom with 90 hyperactive students dancing to Funk music; this could symbolize the ADHD (hyperactivity) element, and the number 90 (as well as the letter F) could help you remember the code. Remember to learn the specific number of ✨your✨ ADHD subtype though! It’s very important.

  • Rhyming Technique: Another method is to create a rhyme to remember the code. An example could be "Hyperactive ADHD's got me on the go. Its number is F90.1, you know!"
  • Create a Story: Stories are easier to remember because they engage our imagination. 

Try to create a short story incorporating ADHD and the code F90. For example, "Once upon a time, there were 90 hyperactive squirrels in a forest (forest, spelled with an F). These squirrels were so active that they couldn't concentrate on gathering nuts. They were diagnosed with ADHD by the wise owl of the forest."

  • Familiar Associations: Associate the number with something you can easily remember. There may be a year, a sports player's number, or an address that means something to you and includes the number 90. For example, "1990 was the year my fabulous (fabulous! see that? the letter F!) cousin, who has ADHD, was born".

Remember, it's essential to repeat these techniques regularly until the association between the ICD-10 code and your ADHD is firmly established in your mind. And again: memorize not just F90 (the umbrella code for all ADHD subtypes), but your specific code: F90.0 for inattentive, F90.1 for hyperactive, and so on.

Why You Need to Get an ADHD ICD-10 Code

Let’s recap: why do you need this at all?

An appropriate ICD-10 code is necessary for the correct diagnosis and treatment of ADHD. Without this code, it is possible to fail to diagnose ADHD and provide effective treatment accurately. Possible results include misdiagnosis, ineffective treatment, and patient damage. 

So, it is easier to identify and treat ADHD if given a precise label.

Another good point of having an official name for ADHD is that it streamlines research into the condition. Researchers use the ICD-10 code for disease classification and prevalence estimation. Having an assigned name for ADHD will help researchers keep tabs on its incidence and get closer to a treatment. Accurate diagnosis, treatment, insurance coverage, and research all benefit significantly from having an ICD-10 code for ADHD.

How ICD-10 Codes Work

Using the ICD-10 code requires the mental health practitioner diagnosing you to deep dive into your symptoms, medical history, and behavior to determine what is going on. It is like being a detective, but instead of solving a crime, the mystery being solved is that of your brain.


When you visit your healthcare provider, they will put on their detective hat and use the DSM-5 criteria for ADHD and the ICD-10 code F90 (Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorders) to figure out what is going on in that brain of yours. Once again, it is like solving a mystery, but they use their medical expertise instead of a magnifying glass. If all the clues add up, they will diagnose you with ADHD. 

How ICD 10 Codes Make Your Life Easier

Il codice ICD-10 è come una mappa del tesoro per la fatturazione medica e i rimborsi assicurativi. Vi aiuta a navigare nelle acque delle diagnosi ADHD e vi garantisce di non perdervi nel mare delle incongruenze di codifica. 

Insurance companies utilize the ICD-10 code to determine whether or not to pay for your ADHD treatment. In terms of medical billing, it is comparable to a hidden decoder ring. Can you picture a world without ICD-10 codes? Like in a game of telephone, medical billing and insurance reimbursement would be rife with mistakes and discrepancies. Let's be grateful for the little codes that keep our healthcare system functioning well!

It’s not that anyone’s better or worse than anyone else; it’s just that if you know your ICD-10 code, it’s going to be of great help in the process of receiving medical assistance.

The code enables us to monitor the prevalence of ADHD and assess the effectiveness of the different modalities of therapy. It is similar to having a trustworthy personal assistant. With the code, medical professionals can quickly and conveniently compile all the juicy information regarding ADHD diagnosis, patient characteristics, and the efficacy of treatments. 

Cosa dovrebbe avere chi ha a che fare con l'ADHD

Apart from an accurate diagnosis and proper medical help, people with ADHD benefit greatly from connecting with others in the same situation to share experiences, provide and receive support, and find a sense of community.

Additionally, given their difficulty in self-regulation, people with ADHD may benefit from group treatment settings because it helps develop a feeling of responsibility, which is essential.

Also, when people with ADHD collaborate with others in the same situation, they are more likely to remain on goal, keep their motivation up, and get more done than when they work alone.

Suggerimenti pratici per aiutarvi nel vostro percorso con l'ADHD

Le persone con ADHD hanno bisogno di una comunità privata dove potersi responsabilizzare a vicenda attraverso un gruppo di supporto di "body doubling" e discutere di questioni come la gestione del tempo, la procrastinazione, l'organizzazione, le relazioni, la motivazione e la regolazione emotiva. 

If you have ADHD or know someone who does, check out platforms like Numo or Reddit. One thing is for sure – resources like these will help you find other parents and carers who are going through the same things. Most importantly, since the Numo community is small and exclusive, you'll feel like you've found a second family here.

In summary, the Numo app – iOS and Android – is a fantastic resource for individuals with ADHD. It offers you a place to connect with others who are going through similar challenges. With Numo, you’ll belong to a group/community where you can be supported and, when needed, held responsible for your actions.


  1. https://www.icd10data.com/ICD10CM/Codes/F01-F99/F90-F98/F90-
  2. https://headway.co/resources/adhd-icd-10-codes
  3. https://www.carepatron.com/icd/f90-8

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